The Sculptures of Chartres Cathedral
By Margaret & Ernest Marriage
Family tradition has it that this book, written by Margaret and Ernest, was based on fieldwork during their honeymoon. Well, maybe partly, though we know from the dates on lantern slides in the RPS Collection (now at the V&A Museum in London) that the illustrations were taken over at least two years.
Here we find their complementary skills ideal to the task – Ernest has photographed many of the sculptures of the cathedral from the ground using his newly developed abilities in telephotography, Margaret has written the text in both languages (recall that her degree is in French).
The general layout consists of text and photographs on facing pages, serving as a very practical field guide. This generous distribution of plates with the text was uncommon at the time, because expensive to print and bind – they were well served by Cambridge University Press, and it is not surprising that the process including research and publication took a long time, 4-5 years.
It’s said to be in use still by guides at the cathedral.
C.U.P 1909, 16x23cm, 266pp, 120 plates.