The Marriage family collaborated on some of their books, so here is a table of all the publications we know about so far, and who contributed to them. This table only includes books, there are also numerous articles in journals and newspapers.

1900 +/-Many novels by Balzac, translatedX
1900Historical Primer of French PhoneticsX
1901Elementary TelephotographyX
1902[A German song book not yet located]X
1903The Luck of BarerakesX
1907Pillow Lace[Illus.]XX
1909The Sculptures of Chartres Cathedral[Illus.]X
1912Ibsen Lyrics and Poems (ed.)X
1925Country HomespunX
1934Nine Lives[Illus.]X
1945Bulgarian FolksongsX

Note – I have also seen from a book dealer : Zestiende-eeuwsche Dietsche Volksliedjes. De oorspronkelijke teksten met de in de Souterliedekens van 1540 bewaarde melodiën. By MINCOFF-MARRIAGE, ELIZABETH ‘s-Grav., Nijhoff, 1939. 4to. Omslag. xxxiv, pp. 298. This seems to be another edition of Souterliedekens.

Ellen translated many of Honore de Balzac’s novels into English for the publisher J M Dent, some of which are still in print. A few of these translations were translated under the nom-de-plume of James Waring – the racier ones, it seems. She edited an English edition of Ibsen Lyrics and Poems which had been translated by her husband F E Garrett. This also is still in print.

Ernest’s photographic skills were called into service several times to illustrate topics of interest to his colleagues.