Souterliedekens by Elizabeth Mincoff née Marriage is a serious work of scholarship, in Dutch, on a sixteenth century collection of religious and folk songs. It is a substantial work, 296 pages, with words and music of the songs, commentary and references. The dedication is sad – “To my son Andon Mincoff, born Sofia Oct. 27 1906, died the Hague, Feb. 26 1919”. Perhaps he was a victim of the ‘flu pandemic?
It was published in 1922 and was reissued with a new title in 1945 – Zestiende-eeuwsche Dietsche Volksliedjes. De oorspronkelijke teksten met de in de Souterliedekens van 1540 bewaarde melodiën. By MINCOFF-MARRIAGE, ELIZABETH ‘s-Grav., Nijhoff, 1939. 4to. Omslag. xxxiv, pp. 298.